Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Greatest Trio to Never Play a Game

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lebron's Product Placement Free Agent Movie Hype

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bizzaro World

Lover by the Loved Slain: Lebron is a Bad Girlfriend

Ever have a girl you love but who refuses to commit, makes doeful eyes to guys across the room, flirts in front of you, pouts when she's not the center of attention, about whom you recall the most insignificant details while she seems to have trouble remembering the color of your eyes, on whom you spend every cent, and work your ass off to provide for only to find out that she complains that you aren't around enough, or worse? That is Lebron to all Ohioans. All Lebron fans need to break up with him, for their own good. It will suck. It won't be fun, and it may break your heart but it's worse being a plaything, a fancy, a caprice which in your heart you know does not matter to your beloved. Lebron has shown this fickleness by the agonizing way he has allowed this process to play out for his fans, the ones who love him faults and all and would swear to look past this treatment if he were to resign with the Cavs; and yet they would be wary in the back of their minds of when the next rough patch will arrive.